Mid-month thoughts
Remember, kids, if someone went through the hassle of creating a fun little widget in their web portal to say that something is working as it should, is sub-optimal, or non-functioning, you should pay attention to that. They literally went through the hassle to let you know something is broken, and your setup is broken. Fix it.
Wrote a short article about a minor QoL update to how the site works. Also worked in another addition to the catalog which will help out for the next QoL update called Auto Content.
Auto Content
The great thing about computers is that they are perfectly happy doing the same work over and over again. Humans, on the other hand, find it to be less than ideal. So, I'm trying to make updating the site a little less drudgery while still making it a manual "type up a bunch of text files" process. The basic premise is that every catalog item may have a handful standard files. This has been a key part of the "Corntent Publisher" idea going back a few years now. Well, now it's time to implement it.
Every catalog item can have a handful of alternate titles. It can also have blurbs of various lengths, and settings for how it should appear when it is the top item on the site or its section. There should be a standard for the featured image, alt text, and its caption. There should be a method to include an image gallery, several different lists of links, and so on.
Now, one big problem here is that we can also catalog links to other web sites, so we need a method to include links to those. This is called the Alternate Include Location, or Alternate Path. Though it's not really an alternate path. It lives under src/YYYY/sect/MM/DD/slug as one would expect, it's just that since it's a link to an external location, we have to included it. Really, though, it's not truly an alternate location, but rather, a manual location for include content. You see, if something in the catalog uses an href we remove the leading slash and assume that is rooted in the src/... directory.
Currently sitting at Sunday Chicken, and should probably head out.